Help Us

 Would you like to help us with?


Lewes Library of Things operates to benefit its members and the wider community

If you are able to give your time then we could open Lewes Library of Things for longer and more often. We also need people for administrative tasks as well as checking items for wear and tear before they are loaned out again.

If you have time to give to our cause, then please click below or come down to the Community Room for a chat!


Thank you for considering giving us a donation.

We are a not for profit social enterprise and in order to keep the Library FREE any donation will help us to ensure the Library is sustainable into the future. A contribution of any size makes a big difference to us.

Things we’d love to add to our Library?

We love receiving useful, quality objects to share with the community. It needs to be in good condition, working order and non-petrol powered.

Below is a link to our most-requested items, so get hunting around those nooks and crannies.


We’d love to hear about your experiences with Lewes Library of Things items.

Send us a photo or tell us how you used our items.


Tell us your ideas! How could we get better?